The Top 10 Reasons Why a Player Won’t Sign Up Or Use Your Free Casino Players Card


Recognizing why a person wont subscribe or use your own card, even with receiving their card, is now a key to understanding that your player base, the understanding of your loyalty programs, and also how your front line team is communication the benefits (or lack there of).

Having traveled into tens of thousands of casinos around the nation in a consulting job, like a mystery shopper or player, I have maintained a database on the players players won’t make use of a person’s Card. I am going to proceed to update the list and also one day breakout the list from gaming jurisdiction and type of casino (local, hotel, tribal).

10. The offers aren’t worth it, the only real thing I got was a free coffee mug.

Just how sorry are you currently at not conveying the benefits of your club? Are you also guilty of”baiting” someone into registering and forgetting all about these? It happens all too often, where the ideal selection a player received golden slot the very first $5 in Free Play or the logo disposable camera. Then after spending their”bankroll,” you never touch the player again. Yes, we realize the reasons why, a lot of is highlighted on new player purchase, and maybe not enough is budgeted on existing player development or so the gamer simply didn’t play enough on their very first trip. Hmm, adequate to take up labor expenses, fork out a free present, or perhaps a coupon book, however maybe not enough to paste a stamp on a letter and say”Hey, thanks for joining. . .as a reminder, here would be the benefits…”

9. The traces are a long time.

Wow, talk of a sword that is pleated. You can’t receive any brand new sign ups as the lineup for fresh signups is overly long. Really? That is like Yogi Berra’s famous statement,”Nobody goes there anymore. . .it’s too crowded.” So when was the last time you looked at the perplexing area? Just how many new possible sign-ups are waiting at the line for voucher redemption or entrance ticket fall whistles? How many VIP’s are being serviced by the amount of club members and also the long lineup of new sign ups are increasingly being service by the newest and greenest person in their staff? How much quality time is spent each new enrollee? See number 10 again, I’ve spotted a fad.

8. I do not want my personal advice provided, ” I don’t want to be tracked.

The player may be your number 1 reasons your own casino is staying in business, how can anyone in this time think you’ll give their advice out to anybody (Elvis sightings notwithstanding)? The gamer database would be your”Holy Grail” of everything is right with gaming. It is protected better compared to executive compensation packages. . .let them know this. In fact, this announcement loosely translates,”I don’t want my wife/husband knowing how far I play.” Explain, how you can add them into the”don’t mail, email or call” list and creatively come up with a method to manually pick up their rewards.

Being monitored is also just what the club benefits really are about. It’s the number 1 reason to become a complimentary member! That’s like the F&B Director accepting the excuse”I don’t eat at the buffet because I really don’t like to create decisions .” Communicate the value of re investing within their play, re-emphasize the cold fact not every one wins on every vacation, but your construction points, Comp S, benefits to cancel those ghastly days. Having a tracking process is the only real way a player can request a win/loss announcement for their taxes.

7. I’ll find a better deal in six months.

Actually, this happens more often than that I thought, as it’s the 7th very best reason. What exactly your player is stating is straightforward,”I signed , didn’t receive much, played little, when I quit using my card you shipped me a much better offer from the mail (again) to return and enjoy a totally free Buffet, a blown room if not show tickets” Please notice reason number 10 again, I think we definitely spotted a tendency. I find this incredible as most jurisdictions will just archive accounts, perhaps not delete them. Where will be the check s and balances of duplicate player records? Although I will admit, it’s interesting to follow the scammers broadcast a triumphal boasts on how they duped”The institution” Ok, perhaps not.


Being forced to have lost your card forgetting to attract your card implies they had to have a card. They are simply too uneasy to state”No thanks” Ever wonder why they will not give you their name so it is possible to reprint another card or give you their permit (which,”Oops must have left that in the room too.”) . They could readily be placed in just about any additional type of excuse on this list.

5. I just play tables.

We’ve all heard it numerous times,”We don’t have a table monitoring program, it’s too tough to track players ” Again, loosely interpreted, the pit supervisor didn’t by hand rate or input players rated card into the computer system. Why? Might be a range of reasons, but it’s no explanation. Assess your desk offers and rewards against other table players; tend not to compare these to slot players. Even the Golden Rule, you have to bet big to win big inside tables. . .big dining table activity deserves big rewards, perhaps not slot free drama instead of only a game play- but that is a start. Don’t get me started on table grip proportions, I’m just the messenger.

4. I do not play with enough.

This would actually be considered a valid excuse if your casino failed to offer”Hot Seat Random” drawings, discounted rooms, doublepoint days and discounted meals by being a totally free member. Again, are we communicating the benefits? Our tendency has become an outbreak.

3. The card never works or the card reader does not function.

I have seen a salvo of players having a wonderful time at their slot machine simply for up a couple of hours after and understand that their card reader will be flashing:”Please re-insert your own card ” I have watched players dance the dance of card reinsertion and turn and rotate simply to go to yet another less popular machine. And frankly, I have seen players strive and insert another card. This happens. It’s true that you can wash those card readersand provide to restore the cardwalk around and try to find card readers no longer working together and assist these folks, however if a player has to improve seats or play a desirable game, your credibility will be shot.

2. I visit too many folks using some one else’s card.

I’ve read every disclaimer in the back part of each player’s card. Yet, I visit club centers time and time again issuing a card short of infinity to a person, even though the field on the player tracking system says: Number of cards issued: 2,567,875. No red flag . Although this happens quite often where wages (entrance tickets) or status (room, food & beverage) are based on this particular trip only (TTO), usually just at the local joints would be the players whining. At these places, the players already have better data of who was playing with when, where and how much.

And the number 1 reason …

1. Superstitious – I can not win , I win more with no.

This will be the number one excuse in every gaming authority on the planet. You can’t assert with superstition. Heck gaming has been built around hunches, gut feelings, fate and fortune. But honestly, every casino really does a pretty wonderful job broadcasting their winners on slot toppers, wall of fames and on their own web sites. Today most of us know, Vegas was not built on winners, but if is the final moment a marketing director ran a PR campaign,”Play along with your card, you’ll lose over someone else,” or”please do not use your card, then you are going to win a great deal ”

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